Saturday, June 22, 2013

Welcome Summer

Summer is here- officially. I have one more super busy week at work- then things will quiet down- and so I’ve been sitting on the rickety rocking chair-

Out by the barn- with the chickens-

...daydreaming about the projects I want to accomplish, the books I want to read and listen to, the places I want to visit.  Not a bad way to spend a Friday afternoon.

Looking at my knitting I noticed that while the colors may not reflect the Shetland landscape they do reflect what’s blooming in my neck of the woods right now.

Clematis, primrose, geranium…. I have simple tastes.

The chicks have been keeping busy. I have been a little concerned because someone was not laying – but not 100% sure who it might be... Then there was this very odd – very small egg last week.

Then yesterday in celebration of the first day of summer we had six eggs for the fist time in quite a while! 

This might be crazy but I’m attributing it to this weekend’s full moon. Hoping to do some “Super”-moon gazing Sunday evening.Hope you enjoy this first weekend of summer!

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