Friday, April 20, 2012

Bits and Pieces and Random Thoughts

It’s finally Friday and it has been a busy week with some big work related thing every day (still one more event tomorrow) but all has gone well  and I’m looking forward to catching my breath Sunday.

I have managed to sneak in a little spinning. These are sample 3 ply worsted weight skeins from the roving that was hanging on the line. I love watching the colors blend together as you spin. Yesterday some merino/silk blend arrived in my mailbox. It’s soaking now so that I can play with some dye tonight.

I knit these little pockets to send to Lori who is taking what sounds like a dream trip to Africa . She is going to tuck a little gift inside and give them out to children she meets.

- such a special way to be able to share a little of yourself. She has posted  instructions and details, and they knit up so fast that there is still time to contribute if you feel called to. Check out Lori’s beautiful blog here.

I wanted to take the chickens outside today, but soon as I managed to set up their cardboard “playpen” it clouded up and looked pretty threatening so I snapped a picture of them in their basement abode. They don’t like the flash of the camera and huddle together. So I feel a little guilty- but I don’t want to miss out on documenting their growth. They are growing so quickly and look a little different every time I go down to check on them. They are getting very chickeny (if you know what I mean) – doing lots of chicken like things- playing keep away with the dried meal worms I hand out- perching on top of the feeder- fluttering and chasing each other about- I’m not sure how they are going to last another three weeks in their cardboard box,,,,,,

Lastly I wanted to give you a heads up that I will be participating in Knitting and Crochet Blog Week starting Monday.  There is a special topic everyday and I’ll post a code so you can check out all the other blogs that are participating. I’m a little nervous about coming up with something seven days in a row, but then I always think if something makes me nervous it’s probably something I should try to tackle. Have a great weekend!

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